This is a wonderful way to experience pleasure without expectation or judgement, to get back in touch with one's body and spirit, and enjoy the beauty of loving, therapeutic touch. experimental and pathological ind'action du massage observation et exprience. I work with my knowledge of anatomy and kinesiology, as well as the energy systems of the body (chakras, meridians, nadis) to create a holistic experience of connection and integration…
I am student of life, a wonderer and wanderer, a musician, friend, lover, partner, laugher, and seeker of knowledge, pleasure, and intrigue. My massage style is a seamless blend of therapeutic, tantric, daoist, and yoni massage that incorporates the full physical and energetic body.
I am a 500hr advanced yoga teacher and am in school working towards a doctorate degree in eastern medicine. I am a 36 year old male originally from the California coast. These sessions also explore the use of deep breathing and intention/visualization, and can be a profound meditation in one's healing journey. I use pleasure centers of the body to encourage opening, releasing, and connecting with one's own vital sensual and sexual energy-aligning with the deepest vibrations of our being.
I invite you to experience a deeply relaxing and nourishing journey, allowing the complete reset of body and mind.